Kiwi massage scrub

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Kiwi massage scrub

As the ancient proverb goes, if you want something done well, you better do it yourself.
A few simple ingredients is all you need to prepare wonderful beauty remedies, including our kiwi scrub which you can use for a regenerating massage to fight water retention and cellulite.

It has been proven that with the support of a healthy diet and physical training, constant massages are incredibly beneficial for our skin. Here’s how to make an effective and entirely natural scrub:

  • 1 ripe Jingold kiwi
  • a spoon and a half of EVO oil
  • 2 teaspoons of honey
  • half an avocado
  • Coarse salt to taste

Cut the kiwi and avocado into small pieces and mash them with a fork. Add the other ingredients and stir thoroughly. Add more or less salt until you obtain a granular consistency that is not too liquid. Apply the scrub onto the area with dry skin you wish to treat, vigorously massage in a circular motion from the bottom up, especially on the most critical areas.

Rinse with abundant cold water to stimulate circulation and apply a generous amount of body butter or oil (if you opt for oil, apply onto damp skin).

There are so many more kiwi-based remedies! Discover them all and have fun creating your very own tailored beauty routine!

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