Frozen kiwi yoghurt

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Because summer… is a state of mind! Here’s how to prepare a delicious frozen kiwi yoghurt

Preparation time: 1 hour + 3 hour resting time

Frozen kiwi yoghurt


  • 400 g low fat yoghurt
  • 100 ml milk
  • 60 g sugar
  • Jingold kiwi to taste
  • granola


Place the milk and sugar in a pan; stir and heat for a few minutes until the sugar dissolves. Remove from the flame and leave to cool. Add the low fat yoghurt and stir.

Place the mix in a large dish and leave to chill in the freezer for around 40 minutes. Remove it, vigorously stir the yoghurt with a spoon and return it to the freezer for another 40 minutes. Repeat the operation 3 times to achieve a creamy consistency and leave the yoghurt to rest in the freezer one last time for around 3 hours (if you have an ice cream maker you can skip this step of the process.

Peel and cut your kiwis up into very small pieces, mix some in with the yoghurt. Use the remaining pieces as a topping, together with some granola or other seasonal fruits or dehydrated coconut flakes.

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